photo by Evah Smit
There is no medical evidence to suggest that our ability to ward of disease diminishes in the winter. However, with so many more bugs about and with the changes in living circumstances (central heating and less fresh air) it is certain our immune systems are putting in some overtime.
Burning or diffusing (or making a room spray) with anti-bacterial and anti-viral aromatherapy oils is a positive step in the line of defense, particularly for those working with the public, flying regularly, or working in air conditioned buildings.
The following oils are known to have anti-viral and/or anti-bacterial properties :
Bergamot, Cinnamon, Clove, Eucalyptus, Lemon, Lemongrass, Melissa, Rosemary and Thyme.
Applying a combination of these oils will offer protection.
However, caution is required, as they could be potentially irritating to sensitive skin types.
I would therefore recommend applying these oils diluted in Aloe Vera Gel to the feet (tougher skin than the body and very effective absorption), or place 4 drops of the above oils on a handkerchief and inhale from time to time.
If traveling, prepare a few of these tissues and keep in a zip-lock bag.
- For an adult mix a total of 10 drops of Essential Oil (from above suggestions) into 5ml (a teaspoon) of Aloe Vera Gel and apply to both feet morning and evening. Larger quantities can be made for convenience e.g. 100ml Aloe Vera Gel (10 tablespoons) add a total of 150 drops of Essential Oil. (this is approx. 3% concentration)
Using Essential Oils regularly will help to support the immune system. The following oils are popular choices and less irritant to the skin than the above mentioned ‘big guns’ .
German Camomile, Geranium, Lavender, Tea Tree and Ravensara. Dilute and add to the bath, apply to the feet, diffuse (aromatherapy burner) or make an atomiser spray.
The importance of following correct dosage and using genuine, high quality Essential Oils is paramount to efficacy and safety.
c. Ellen Cox (Atlantic Aromatics) September